Thursday, July 30, 2009

a year later.

Almost a year has passed now since I returned to the states on August 9th of last year.

I miss Uganda alot today...especially my nursery kids. I miss hearing their sweet voices greeting me every morning, "Good morning Auntie Lauren!" to which I would reply, "Good morning children! How are you?" and they would say, "We are alright, thank you Auntie." Oh, I just wish a sound clip could be recorded from a memory so I could share their sweet voices with you. I miss watching them worship at the end of the day. Their hearts and motives are so pure. Their sweet voices would burst with emotion and their little hands would reach to the Heavens, or fold in prayer in front of them. It was the most beautiful sight and nothing I have since seen quite compares.

I miss afternoons with the secondary kids. I miss helping them study for their classes, having Pius teach me the proper way to kick a football and sorting beans with Babra and Shadia. I miss telling them stories about home and hearing their opinions about life in America. I miss fetching water and washing clothes with the girls while sharing stories about our days. I miss watching Rock read stories to me and being so proud of his English. I miss family worship in the evenings and hearing their voices utter prayer and praise against the starlight sky.

I miss the beautiful simplicity that defines life in Uganda. I miss waking up with the sunrise, looking out over the edge of the mountain, seeing the surrounding fog and feeling like I was floating. I miss the beautiful surroundings, but miss the beautiful people even more. My heart anxiously awaits the time when it can return but, until then, I cherish the beautiful memories that I have.

1 comment:

Colleen said...

Lauren, I hope you always keep updating this! Your love for these people is passionate and I think we all need that passion. I hope to see all the posts for the next trip here as well! I continue to have the link on the Cornerstone web site, and I hope that many take the time to visit your blogs. Let us know what your needs are and how we as a church can help. Love and prayers, Kim